Monday, September 14, 2009


Been sick and restless these past few days. Losing focus due to lack of travel plans for the month of September.

I need to get out of Manila soon. Eeeeeek.

Meanwhile, will do something about blog backlog (aka Davao and Guimaras back to back getaway).

I so can't wait for October.


Momsy said...

why what's happening in october??? i saw my friend in eastwood last weekend - he sees you daw in Bed every Saturday! hahahaha! I MISS YOU!!!! (I have no life. And even less time to blog. Waaah).

treenich said...

why what's happening in october??? --Poma's birthday getaway!

who's this friend who sees me in Bed? hahaha.

i miss you too, momsy!!

Anna said...

teka lang ha. ngayon lang nagdagdag ka ng pic. is that you in bangs??? i love it!!! you should keep that errant hair talaga!

treenich said...

yes that's me! hahah. but im trynna grow my hair again e. para statement extravagggannzza ulit when i cut it short. hahaha.

hay i'm bored. i haven't been blogging again!!